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Hand in Hand:
Friends of Ghana, a nonprofit

Our mission is to alleviate the suffering of the deprived people of Ghana, especially children and widows, by providing basic human services to elevate their health, education, and well-being 

How it all started

My name is Father Peter. In 2010,  I became an ordained Catholic priest in Ghana. Ministering in one of the rural parishes of the diocese, I worked among poor farmers and settlers who had little to no access to education, healthcare, or other basic needs, including electricity and potable water. These villagers primarily work long hours on the farms of neighboring towns and cities. They earn a pittance despite their daily hard work. Widows cannot take care of themselves let alone their families. Children live in impoverished conditions suffering from malnourishment and neglect. The situation is tragic and dire. 

Many of the local pregnant women are dependent on traditional birth attendants and therefore do not get prenatal care during their pregnancy. When emergency complications arise those who have no alternative must walk many miles under precarious circumstances in order to access health centers in the nearest towns. Several times women have given birth in my vehicle while traveling to far away health centers. These dreadful conditions account for egregiously high infant mortality rates.

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Most of the rural children of Ghana are unable to attend school since they are needed to help support their families through work in the farms or by attending to other errands contributing to the family‘s needs. Children are commonly found attempting to sell wares in the streets or engaging in menial jobs for little money.The few children who are able to attend school must walk many miles among treacherous stretches of land with little to no food and water to sustain them. Some children can be found picking spoiled fruit and other discarded food scraps along their path for nourishment. These needy children are easily identifiable by their appearance, largely unkempt due to the rough and muddy conditions of the roads. They do not wear school uniforms, carry backpacks, or possess other basic educational materials such as books. Due to hunger and fatigue it is not uncommon to find children sleeping through the course of the school day as well. They set off for school very early and return home very late only to have chores at home before their day ends and starts again.

Our calling is to support the deprived children and widows from these impoverished villages. We intend to provide them equal access to education, quality healthcare, and any other basic needs necessary to their overall security and wellness. 

It is our intention to collaborate with others “Hand in Hand“ in offering love and care to elevate these vulnerable people to a more meaningful quality of life.

We wish to extend the invitation to one and all who are touched by the plight of our brothers and sisters in Ghana. Like the tiny mustard seed growing into a robust, shade-providing plant, your contributions will offer provisions that are far-reaching and significant. We thank you in advance for helping to make a difference in the lives of so many. 

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